martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Cuyo Region

CUYO Region
The Region of Cuyo is beautiful and it's visited by thousand of tourists. It is located in the west-center of Argentina. Mendoza, San Juan and San Luis constitute the region. Its relifs is mountainous . The region is cold in winter and very hot in summer. There are many touristic places to be visited . They invite you to meet them.

San Juan province

In San Juan you can do diverse activities in different cities, for example, visit vineyards and receive information of how people make wine.
You can also visit “Domingo FaustinoSarmiento´s House” and “Domenico’s Convent Cell” in the capital.

Also you can do excursions in protected parks like “The Moon´s Valley” near San Agustín, or in Cerro Alcázar and The Nacional Park: El Leoncito.

Others activities are going fishing, going sailing and rafting in reservoirs and rivers of the province; going trekking, horse riding, cycling, hiking, climbing and paragliding on mountains.

And if you like festivals, you can go to Rodeo. It´s popular for “Fiesta Provincial de la Manzana”. Also, you can appreciate a post-colonial style and an interesting Archeological Museum.

Mendoza province

Mendoza is the largest province which limits with other provinces: La Pampa, San Luis, San Juan and Neuquén. This province was discovered because of an earth quake in 1862.

Mendoza has got a wide variety of animals such as: fox, cougars and weasels among other animals. 

Mendoza has got three different relieves: mountains, plateaus, and volcanos. Generally, it has got arid weather with very dry summers and very wet winters. Also, it has got a great variety of flora.

The activities in Mendoza are: petroleum´s extraction, preparation of beverage, and agriculture.

This province has got a lot of tourism thanks to wineries and protected natural areas such as: “La Caberna de las Brujas” in Malargüe, “Las Salinas” in San Rafael, and others.

Traditional fests are:
In March the “National Fest of La Vendinia” in capital.
In July “Fiesta Provincial de la Nieve” in Las Leñas.
In September the “Fiesta del Turismo” and “Fiesta del Vino”.

San Luis province

The weather in San Luis is dry with a median temperature of 17° C.
Its touristic places are:
        Villa De Merlo: there are ancient buildings.
        El Trepiche: there are natural pools.
        La Florida: it has got the most beautiful water mirror from San Luís.
    “Merlo”                                                                                             “El Trepiche”  


"La Florida"

In these places, you can stay in “La Catalina Cabaña” in El Trapiche; “Cabaña La Florida” in La Florida; “Cabaña Los Estribos” in Merlo; and others.

“Cabaña La Catalina”                                                          “ Cabaña La Catalina”

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